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prime rate 最優惠(貸款)利率。

prime time

Learning from three loan - pricing models abroad and present related study , a prime rate marup revised pricing model combining market and customer orientation is developed , and the suggestions to the pricing of each part of the prime rate marup revised pricing model are given accordingly . secondly , previous domestic studies always use financial ratios in the quantitative research of credit analysis 本文首先介紹了商業銀行貸款定價及研究現狀,在分析國外銀行三種貸款定價模式各自優劣以及國內外貸款定價研究現狀的基礎上,提出了綜合考慮貸款平均成本、風險、盈利和銀客關系的貸款定價模式,即基準利率加點修正模式。

On the lending side , a larger proportion of loans than before is admittedly priced against the interbank rates or hibor , but the bulk mortgages for example are still prime - based and the prime rate , under normal circumstances , only changes when there is a change in the fed funds target rate 貸款方面,現時以銀行同業拆息例如香港銀行同業拆息作為厘定息率參考的貸款比重無疑已較以前增加,但大部分銀行貸款例如按揭的息率仍以最優惠利率作為參考,而在正常情況下,最優惠利率只會跟隨聯邦基金目標利率調整。

Meanwhile , if indeed macroeconomic adjustment in the mainland proves benign and the recovery of our economy gathers pace , attracting renewed inflow of funds to our financial markets , and with our current account balance of payments continuing to be in substantial surplus , the discount may be sustained for a longer period . what has become an anomaly is the continuing use of the terms “ prime rate “ and “ best lending rate “ 與此同時,若內地的宏觀經濟調控能帶來利好的效果,本港經濟復蘇的步伐亦繼續加快,吸引資金重新流入本港的金融市場,而本港的國際收支經常帳繼續錄得大盈馀,則香港銀行同業拆息低于同期美元利率的情況可能會持續一段較長時間。

On top of that , interest rate liberalisation in hong kong , through the stepped removal of the interest rate rules of the hong kong association of banks , has produced a highly competitive environment in retail banking , leading to the fall of the mortgage rate , relative to the prime rate , by four percentage points 第一,我們頗為幸運的是美國利率在這5年期間一直趨降。此外,透過香港銀行公會逐步撤銷利率限制,銀行可自行厘定息率,為零售銀行業營造極具競爭性的經營環境,結果是按揭利率相對最優惠利率下跌達4個百分點。

The issue is collateralized by a pool of hkmc s high - quality residential mortgages . it is divided into two classes of hibor - based and prime rate - based of hk 1 . 2 billion and hk 800 million respectively . both mbs classes carry the hkmc s guarantee on principal and interest payments 是次發行的證券以按揭證券公司出售的一批優質住宅按揭作抵押,并分為香港銀行同業拆息及最優惠貸款利率為基準的按揭證券兩個組別,金額分別為12億港元及8億港元。

If , however , the flexibility for banks to raise their prime rates is limited by market competition , and if the compression of the prime - hibor spread were associated with an economic downturn or an adjustment in residential property prices , then the situation might be different 但如果銀行調高最優惠貸款利率的靈活性受制于市場競爭,息差收窄時又遇上經濟逆轉或住宅物業價格出現調整,情況便會很不同。

The precise terms of these loans vary between ais , with some subject to an interest rate cap with reference to their own prime rates , while others may switch to another reference rate at some point during the life of the loan 不同的認可機構對這類貸款的確切條款會有所不同,其中部分貸款訂有參考認可機構本身的最優惠利率設定的利率上限,部分則會在貸款期內的某個時間轉用另一個參考利率。

Yet a change in the prime rate is normally brought about by a change in the fed funds target rate in the us and the corresponding and immediate change in our base rate for accessing hong kong dollar liquidity through the discount window 然而,促使最優惠利率變動的原因,通常是美國聯邦基金目標利率變動,以及本港貼現窗提供港元流動資金的基本利率即時作出相應調整。

The empirical results show that the banks with larger scale tend to have lower prime rates and that bank capital costs and operating expenses have positive effects on the prime rate pricing 實證結果發現,銀行資金成本及營業費用對基本放款利率有正向影響,而規模愈大的銀行則會有較低的基本放款利率。

With respect to different lending strategies , banks that focus on consumer loans have higher prime rates than those offering more commercial loans to reflect their different risk premia 相對于以從事企業授信為主之銀行而言,其目標偏重消費性放款之銀行則會訂定較高的基本放款利率以反映其風險溢酬。

It is the fourth increase in six months , bringing the prime rate for the chartered banks ' best customers up to 5 . 25 per cent , its highest level in 3 1 / 2 years 這是央行六個月以來的連續第四次加息,與此同時,其它各大銀行的最優惠貸款利率也同步提升至5 . 25 ,達到過去3年半以來的最高水平。

Major banks including bank of american , wachovia and wells fargo soon followed with cuts in their prime rate . this is what banks charge their best customers 包括美國銀行,瓦喬維亞銀行和富國銀行在內的各主要銀行,馬上跟著調低了他們的基準利率,基準利率是銀行為他們最佳客戶提供的利率。

This paper examines the factors that cause the variations of the prime rates among individual banks by establishing a prime rate pricing model 摘要本研究的主要目的為透過對銀行經營狀況、策略目標及資金成本等經營特性方面之衡量與比較,探討造成個別銀行基本放款利率訂價差異的主要因素。

Major banks followed the announcement by raising their prime rate on business loans by a similar quarter percentage point , to 6 . 25 percent from 6 percent 主要的銀行跟隨聯邦基金利率,表示要同樣提高他們的商業借貸的最優惠利率0 . 25 % ,從6 %提高至6 . 25 % 。

“ the recent rise in prime rate and the move by some banks to increase their mortgage rates are also likely to slow loan demand for the rest of the year 鑒于近期最優惠貸款利率上升,以及部分銀行調高按揭利率,相信本年度其馀時間貸款需求會放緩。

With interest rate that is pegged with the hkd prime rate , american express prime based time deposits allow you to earn higher interest returns 浮息定期存款利率根據港元最優惠利率而隨之調節,讓您享有更優厚利息回報。

“ and after the prime rate declined by half a point , and the dow rose by thirty - two , guess what happened to goose and fox “要是主利率降了半個點,道?瓊斯漲了三十二點,你們猜,會給大白鵝和狐貍帶來什么變化? ”

Prime is in any case not fixed , although it would be a brave move for an individual bank to adjust its prime rate ahead of others 其次,盡管沒有哪家銀行會自行調整最優惠利率,最優惠利率始終不是固定的利率。

Thus , even though the cost of funds has changed considerably , it may not be readily reflected in any change in the prime rate 因此,即使資金成本已經大幅度變動,但卻未必可以迅速從最優惠利率的調整中反映。